Call for Nominations: President of the iRSVs

The International Respiratory Syncytial Virus Society (iRSVs) is a Special Interest Group of the International Society for Influenza and other Respiratory Virus Diseases (ISIRV), registered as a charity in England and Wales and a Company Limited by Guarantee in the UK.

Professor Peter Openshaw has served two terms as President and will demit during the RSV2025 in Brazil. We are seeking nominations for his successor.

The President is an ex officio member of the ISIRV Council and Executive Committee of ISIRV. He/she is expected to attend four ISIRV Council and four Executive Committee Meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year.

To ensure that the iRSVs does not become parochial, there is a strong preference that the role of President will pass to a well-recognized, high-profile leader in RSV research in a different global region from that of the outgoing UK-based President.

The role of the iRSVs President is to:

• Chair ISAC meetings, delegating appropriately to the local Chair of the upcoming meeting to ensure delivery of a biennial symposium representing the best global developments in all domains of RSV research.
• Work towards the delivery of the iRSVs symposium and wider ISIRV organizational strategy.
• Represent iRSVs and ISIRV externally, delegating to other members of the ISAC as required.
• Ensure ISAC meetings happen regularly and coordinate preparations for meetings with the ISIRV secretariat lead.
• Communicate closely with the ISIRV support team to ensure effective two-way flow of information, views, plans, and experiences.
• Take responsibility for prompt decision-making and communication in response to proposals.
• Coordinate report writing (annual report, meeting reports).
Nominations process:
• Candidates from the RSV community may self-nominate or be nominated by peers (with the agreement of the candidate).
• Nomination is by way of submission of a nomination form which includes a manifesto statement of no more than 200 words and a short CV (3-5 pages).
• Nominations will close 10 March 2025 (23:59 GMT).

Elections and appointment process:

• The iRSVs President is appointed by the International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) of iRSVs.
• The ballot will open on 11 March at 15:00 GMT, and close on 15 March at 09:00 GMT.
• Where a single candidate nomination in received, appointment is not automatic and is subjected to a vote by the ISAC
• Where two or more candidates are nominated, a confidential (closed) election will take place, administered by the ISIRV Governance Lead.
• Those seeking election and the outgoing President do not vote
• Although there is a preference for the leadership of iRSVs to pass from one global region to another, members of the ISAC are free to vote for any nominated candidate.

• The President serves an initial term of four years.