Erin Sparrow


Dr Erin Sparrow is a public health expert with 18 years of experience at the World Health Organization (WHO), specializing in infectious diseases and vaccine development. She is a Technical Officer in the Product and Delivery Research unit within WHO’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines, and Biologicals, where she works to…

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Heather Zar


Heather Zar is Professor & Chair, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health and Director of the SA-MRC Unit on Child & Adolescent Health, University of Cape Town. A global expert in childhood respiratory diseases, she’s built a strong clinical translational research program in some of the most deprived communities, with…

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Ignacio Esteban


Pediatrician and Public Health professional specializing in Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Respiratory Diseases. He holds a Master of Public Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, focused on infectious diseases, vaccine science, and policy. His previous roles included Staff Physician in a pediatric step-down unit in Argentina,…

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Imran Nisar


Dr. Imran Nisar, MBBS, is an Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Research at Aga Khan University. He holds a PhD in Population and Public Health and an MSc in Epidemiology. His research focuses on maternal and child health, infectious diseases, and data sciences. He is currently leading a Hepatitis…

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Joyce Nyiro


Joyce Nyiro is an epidemiologist and a post-doctoral scientist at KEMRI-Wellcome Trust research Programme in Kilifi, Kenya. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Tropical Infectious Diseases from the University of Nairobi, Kenya and was recently appointed to serve as a committee member for KEMRI Scientific and Ethics Review…

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