Frederico Martinon Torres


Federico Martinón-Torres is a pediatrician and clinical researcher, currently the coordinator and head of Pediatrics and Director of Translational Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases (Best ID Unit of Spain 2018 to 2023) at the Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago (Spain), and Professor in Pediatrics (University of Santiago).
Professor Martinón-Torres runs the Genetics, Vaccines and Infecctions Research Group (GENVIP;, a research lab on vaccines and infectious diseases with more than 40 staff, at the Healthcare Research Institute of Santiago. He currently serves the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts (ETAGE) of WHO Europe and coordinates the WHO collaborating centre for Vaccine Safety of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). He is also an Academic of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Galicia.
Professor Martinón-Torres' main research interests are vaccines and infectious diseases, and particularly RSV (, host genetic factors and biomarkers (EUCLIDS, PERFORM, DIAMONDS projects), meningococcal disease, rotavirus, pneumococcal disease (, flu (, HPV, and SARS-CoV-2 ( He has published over 350 articles with an accumulated impact factor + 4,000 (JCR 2022).