Maurice Caballero


Mauricio T. Caballero is the Director of the Centro Infant de Medicina Traslacional (CIMeT) at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín and a scientific researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) in Argentina.

For the past 15 years, Dr. Caballero has been at the forefront of infectious disease epidemiology and child mortality research, with a particular focus on RSV. As a research leader of the Fundacion INFANT, his work has predominantly involved estimating the burden of respiratory diseases at both hospital and community levels, emphasizing low-income populations in Argentina and Latin America.

Dr. Caballero has significantly advanced the understanding of the risk factors, long-term effects, and mechanisms of RSV disease in infancy, particularly the pathogenesis of fatal cases following RSV lower respiratory tract infections. His efforts have established an extensive network of public and private hospitals across South America, facilitating prospective cohort studies and active surveillance of respiratory pathogens and chronic lung diseases in children. His dedication to this field continues to drive critical insights and improvements in child health outcomes in the region.